This is where it all started …
Graphic design project menu:
Project: Good Greek Realty Booklet
I created this piece in order to help Good Greek Franchises promote their new vertical: Good Greek Realty. After I finished building the Good Greek Realty website I came up with the concept and wrote all the copy, including the bio page for the CEO.
• Booklet
• Good Greek Realty
• Good Greek Franchises
• Adobe Photoshop
• Adobe InDesign
Work Performed:
• Graphic design
• Image manipulation
• Copywriting
I drink my coffee black. No cream or sugar. How about you?
Ok. Now we know each other a bit, but I guess there are other things you’re still wondering about me. Take a look at my résumé and when you’re done with it, shoot me an email and let me know how I can help you sell more.

Let's meet for coffee ...
I don’t know about you, but I already swiped right! Let’s get together and meet for coffee so we can talk about how I’ll be able to help you. Hit me up, and I’m there! You know I’ll be drinking mine black.